People behind the project

Valérie Itey

CEO founder 

Expert in international trade, mobile solutions and brand management 

new specialist  in waste management and climate change in circular economy .

More than 20 years experiences

Project Developer

Egineer / Bioeconomy

materials revolution

Céline Godeux 

Adviser CMO

Transversal and international program management | Change management | Coaching | Participative Innovation.

Laura  Ibanez


Industrial Engineer, Expert in Logistics, Transportation and Security More than 20 years of experience

Natasja de leeuwe

Country Manager Holland 

Fruit market entrepreneur Business since 25 years

fruits platform delivery .

Marta Uhlenkott


Internacional communication and marketing  Intership


NKN Consulting 

Fiscal , contable and conuslting services 



La Camara de commercio de Barcleona


22@ Network