The Clic Recycle Story

Born from a desire to leave a cleaner world for our children, to stop landfills from overflowing, to learn a new way of consuming and to care for our planet, the only one we have. Our goal is to have zero waste and to reuse those everyday things changing one person's waste into a valuable resource.

Every time we recycle or re-use materials and objects, we help to reduce waste. And by reducing waste, each one of us can help alleviate the burden of waste on our landfills whilst contributing to a reduction of carbon emissions from the incineration plants.

We propose a future towards a zero-waste world through the revive and reuse concept, combined with innovative recycling processes with the aim of extending the useful life of products and reducing the environmental and social problems derived from the accumulation of waste.

We decided to find a way for people to revalue their garbage as our grandparents did, we want to consolidate ourselves as one of the great waste disposal platforms, to give a vintage air of a time where each object meant something, and each waste an opportunity.In the 1960s it was common to return glass containers to shops once they had been used to recover part of the amount. A cultural reality that helped the environment and that is now an ideal like learning from our grandparents.

Produce Better, Consume Better, Reuse Better, Recycle Better

The future of recycling passes through all of us; by an evolution of the recycling habit through recognition or incentives. With this system we promote the commitment to the circular economy, endorsing the ambitious environmental objectives set in the European directives.

We are Clic Recycle, women who have come together to be facilitators of a new life without waste, at a time when it is more necessary than ever to make a change.

We work to offer solutions that advance society towards the recognition and creation of another life to waste and thus be able to be proud of the past and the future.

Beyond the platform, we work with schools, stores, industries, hotels, organizations to offer them solutions aimed at reducing waste generation

We also manufacture or make our partners work who make new products with this waste to sell on their website, you will be surprised by all the new companies that take care of the planet with these new eco-responsible products.

In any case, the mission of the company is to eliminate the barriers related to waste recycling in all areas, starting with challenges, slogan programs and growing.

Thank you for trusting us and for helping us grow!


 Valerie Itey

Participa y suma solidaridad al reciclaje, haz con nosotros  de ello una  moda pre moderna 

No dudes en contactarnos ante cualquier duda , sugerencia, pregunta o propuesta o simplemente por conocer todos los detalles de esta iniciativa, puedes llamarnos o escribirno

Clic Recycle

Impact Hub Barcelona



Ayudanos haz de reciclar la mode pre moderna 

Nosotros haremos un modelo comunitario , un modelo social sostenible

Participa en nuestro crowndfunding solitario para ayudarnos a crecer .

puedes participar en le crowndfunding de la empresa 

Hacer un acuerdo con nuestra compañía de Hosting Digital Ocean para los servidores y demás temas de la plataforma IA, y smart contract de blockchain para tu contrato eco ciudano

Nathalie y Valérie son dos mujeres complementarias, una autodictacta empresaria en  el textil y la otra experta en las nuevas tecnologías desde los inicios de internet en 1998, y experta en publicidad y medios de comunicación digitales y una adviser quien es ingeneria industriales y experta en cadena de aprovisionamiento y logistica.

Estamos trabajando en este proyecto desde hace un año y se ha constituido la sociedad en diciembre  2020 porque sabemos que en tiempo de crisis , es el mejor momento para innovar y reinventarse.

Apoya este proyecto y recibe recompensas exclusivas

Para los que les gusta la idea:

Menciónanos en las redes y haz del boca a oreja uno de nuestros logros



Ventajas de ser usuario 

Los retos  son completamente gratuitos, para empezar a ganar  y ser un eco ciudadano .

Registrate en Clic Recycle  beta  para sacar el máximo provecho y poner tu grano de arena a hacer un mejor mundo entre todos

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