CLIC Sea Decontamination Barriers

Organic Eco products that naturally adsorb hydrocarbons and heavy metals for ports and vessels

Our Sea Decontamination solutions are a development of eco-friendly technologies to ensure the long-term health of marine ecosystems for ports and vessels. Through our waste management system we collect human hair waste, an abundant regenerative resource with natural qualities of absorption and transform it into eco design solutions. Products that balance economic growth with environmental sustainability and support the vital role that oceans play in life on Earth.

Biogenic Decontamination Barriers & Filters

A system of modular decontamination barriers and filters made from organic materials that naturally absorb and remove hydrocarbons and heavy metals from the sea for both small and large ports and harbours.
An eco alternative that can eliminate the use of polypropylene that are used in existing products. Embedded with a sensor system collecting and tracking essential water quality data and a digital platform with economic and environmental impact analysis. 
Modular solution available in a variety of customised sizes and possibilities. 

Contact us for a customised solution that suits your needs or shop here

Biogenic Decontamination Filter

For Boats and Vessels

A decontamination filter made from organic materials that naturally adsorbs and removes hydrocarbons from your boat's hold. An eco alternative to sthat can eliminate the use of polypropylene that are used in existing products.

Available in a variety of sizes and forms customised to suit your needs.

Contact us for customised solutions or shop here

With tools to measure & communicate your impact 

All products are tested and backed up by technology and science to guarantee efficiency, transparency and authenticity. With a digital platform offering real-time analysis of economic and environmental impact.

Fighting Marine pollution

Our products offer a vital solution to combat marine pollution, a pressing global crisis. With 86% of water contaminated by man-made activities, including pollutants, solid waste, microplastics, and carbon emissions, our eco-friendly solutions tackle this urgent issue head-on. Plastic pollution, a significant contributor to ocean degradation, threatens marine life, food safety, and coastal economies. By reducing plastic consumption and promoting sustainable alternatives, we safeguard our oceans' health. Additionally, our products address hydrocarbon and heavy metal pollution, protecting marine ecosystems from devastating effects like oil spills and industrial runoff. Join us in preserving the biodiversity and health of our oceans with our innovative solutions.

Contact us

For inquiries and customised solutions that suit your needs!